It is my great honor and pleasure to announce that I have been appointed full tenured professor of music theory with a focus on jazz/pop/arrangement (as well as classical music…thus: MUSIC 😀) at the University of Music Freiburg, Germany, starting on April 1, 2022. I am very proud and excited to return to my alma mater as successor to Otfried Büsing and I cannot wait to get involved in shaping the university through teaching and research. This job is a dream come true. #dreamjob #HfMFreiburg

Thanks to everyone who has supported me on my way!!
Many greetings from Freiburg,

Hey everyone!

Tune in for the 17th edition of the Darmstädter Jazzforum! I’ll be contributing a paper about the musical education of early jazz musicians on Thursday, Sep 30 at 2:30 PM (CET):

Racial Uplift, Community und die Zukunft schwarzer Musik – Der musikalische Ausbildungskanon an den Historically Black Colleges and Universities im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jh. und der Einfluss auf den frühen Jazz.

The conference will be streamed via the Youtube channel of the Darmstadt Jazz Institute:

For a detailed program see:

Hope to see you there or online!

Check out the jugglers of Bryant Park Juggling. Juggling is a great example of practicing in real time without stopping. Like jugglers, musicians have to loop sequences of motions until they can ‘do it.’ And: You have to do it in order to be able to do it! 🙂 However, it’s not only important to improvise and repeat patterns. It is equally important to reflect about the (finite) mathematical options involved and to try them out practically. Applied to music this means: thinking about the number of possible permutations of rhythms, melodic and harmonic structures, the possibilities and combinations etc. In other words: music theory and improvisation!

Long live trial and error: fake it ’til you make it! Long live thinking, mathematics and music theory!