GMTH Annual Conference 2018

Bremen, Germany

University of the Arts Bremen

1:30 PM

Paper Presentation: "From Sheet Music to Tune-Dex Cards and Leadsheets - the History of Notation in Jazz and its Music-Theoretical Implications"

I’ll be presenting a paper titled “From Sheet Music to Tune-Dex Cards and Leadsheets – the History of Notation in Jazz and its Music-Theoretical Implications”/”Von Sheet Music zu Tune-Dex Cards und Leadsheets. Zur Geschichte der Notationsformen des Jazz und ihren musiktheoretischen Implikationen” at the Annual Conference of the German Society for Music Theory/Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie (GMTH) 2018 titled “Counterpoint ‒ A Die-Hard Stick-In-the-Mud or Indispensable? Continuities and Transformations of a Compositional Discipline”/”Kontrapunkt ‒ ewiggestrig oder unerlässlich? Kontinuitäten und Wandlungen einer kompositorischen Disziplin”

I hope to see you there!

Venue Details

8 Am Speicher XI
28217 Bremen
+49 (0)421 95951000